It's Thursday and today we'll will be getting Back to Nature by doing some fun and creative outdoor-sy activities! One of the best things about Camp Couchiching is all the time we get to spend on the lake, in the woods and outside! For today's activities, get ready to connect with outside areas near your home!
First! Let's check what the weather is at camp right now:
Okay! That's great - you can check the area that you live too and make sure you'll be ready to go outside. The first thing you'll need is clothing that will be comfy to wear outside and that you are able to play in. Get dressed and get ready to head outside!
1. Forts! They are fun to play build and play in, plus they're a big part of Camp! There are a couple of options here depending on where you live. If you are nearby an area with trees, you can build your very own fort or shelter by using things around your yard or in a park.
Supplies that may be helpful for fort building are: long sticks, short sticks, tarp or sheet, rope or string, leaves, rocks and anything else you want to add!
Now, lots of people don't live near the woods or trees, but that's okay too! This great video will show you haw to make mini-shelters and that's something you can do almost anywhere! Take a look at all the different types! Try building your favourite one OR make all of them.
BONUS: if you build these mini-shelters you will also be creating little homes for squirrels, mice and other small animals! Maybe even a house for gnomes or fairies!
How did it turn out? You can even try doing rain tests, livability tests, storm tests and the Godzilla test, like the do in this video!
Don't forget to share a photo of your forts with us using #CampCoochVPA
Of course, every camp site needs a campfire too! Here's a quick craft you can do to make a campfire for your mini shelter, including marshmallows!
2. Alright, now that our campfire is made, it's time to explore some more! We bet there is a lot of nature around where you live, even if you haven't noticed it yet! It's time for another ultimate scavenger hunt, but this time you'll be taking it outside!
You'll need to use almost ALL your senses by looking, listening, smelling and feeling! If you want to print off a black and white version to take with you, click below this picture too!
What did you see, smell, hear and feel? Let us know below and feel free to share some pictures of your findings too!
3. Alright! Well that was a lot of outside fun so far today. Now we're going to bring a bit of nature inside for us to enjoy all the time! Remember, we always want to leave nature the way we found it and not damage any living things outside.
So, using our memories & imagination of the things you saw and did outside today, draw one of your favourite moments! Don't forget to add lots of colors and include yourself in the picture!
Supplies: Paper, Crayons or Markers or Pencil Crayons
Here's a quick video to help you get inspired:
How did your drawing turn out? So many great nature memories!! Feel free to share a picture with us of what you drew. #CampCoochVPA
We can't believe it's the end of another day! Since we've spent so much time outside today, we will leave you with this cool way to wind down - a nature meditation! It is great for relaxing and remembering everything good that happened today. So get comfy, close your eyes and get ready!
"Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do."
John Wooden