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  • Writer's pictureCamp Couchiching


Updated: Mar 30, 2021

1. It’s the first day of Camp!! Take some time today to connect with some of the best parts of Camp Couchiching. It's time to meet your counsellors! To start, can you find the Coochithing in this staff photo?

2. Next up, it’s time to decorate your bunk! Using materials around your house, create some incredible decorations for your bed at home! Posters, string, streamers, and anything else you can think of to make your bunk at home incredible! You can even make your bed into your own little cabin fort!

Supplies: blankets, clothespins, string or rope, pillows, and anything else you want to add!

Nice work! Did you build something truly incredible on your bunk? We want to see it. Feel free to share a pic of your creation on social media and tag #CampCoochVPA

3. Okay! Next up, we need to sing the Camp Coochiching Welcome song - but we've forgotten the words and the tune! Get a piece of paper and something to write or draw with - we need your help to come up with a totally brand new Camp Couchiching Song! Pick a Tune you already know or make one up - what new words and music can we add? Share your song with us if you want too and it might just become a new Camp Couchiching Classic!

PLUS, we've even included the piano below to help you write your new camp song. Click on the keys to play a tune! If there are other noise makers around your house you can use those too!

It's sounding great! Don't forget to write out the words or draw pictures to match your song! 🎶 Share it with us below if you like or on social media with #CampCoochVPA

Well that was fun first day! Thanks for playing along and check out the Ideas section of this site for more stuff to do too! We'll see you tomorrow and here's a nice thought to remind us of camp:

“In a cool solitude of trees, where leaves and birds a music spin, mind that was weary is at ease, new rhythms in the soul begin” – William Kean Seymour

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